Welcome to the Snow City Crew charter of the Iron Order Motorcycle Club located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We are an independent MC and do not belong to any associations. Our colors are earned and we wear them proudly. We come from all walks of life; mechanics, military, lawyers, truck drivers, and many other occupations. We are Brothers and hold that bond as sacred. We are bikers. We are an MC not a weekend riding club. We are law abiding. We respect all but fear none. If you are looking for a tight brotherhood and love the biker lifestyle or if you're curious and want more info or have questions, use the contact link and drop us an email. If you see us out on the road, come over and meet us. See if the IOMC is what you've been looking for.
We fly the Alberta rocker as an indication of where we are from; not to claim territory. We respect all motorcycle clubs and do not concern ourselves with their activities. We support those that support us. Although we wear a three piece patch, we are independent and mind our own business. We started that way in Jeffersonville, Indiana and we continue that way in Edmonton, Alberta.

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